EDGE is Faith

EDGE is Faith

EDGE is Faith

What is EDGE?

 EDGE is Faith.

These questions we are pondering, the foundation of what EDGE is, are complex ideas. That’s part of what makes EDGE so adventurous; you can never really come to the bottom of possibilities when elements like art, culture, faith and community are at the helm.

So faith…Believing what you don’t see, but are nonetheless convinced of.

Once again, words can be defined, but each of of us experiences something in completely different ways. Faith is no different.

How do you live out faith? How do you define it? Who or what is driving and fueling your faith? When did you come to faith? How did you come to faith? Do you have faith? What’s it like to be brought up with a completely different idea of faith from yours?

I wouldn’t say that EDGE “tackles” this topic, but we explore it, with open minds and stories and convictions as strong and valid and varied as we are. We look into faith and seek to see God a little clearer through each other and hope to grow deeper in love with Him as a result.

Part of growing in faith is expressing it with words, art, photography, conversations, reading, meditating, prayer, friendships. EDGE is a community where we are free to express our faith and find new avenues of creative spiritual expression.

Faith and Altea

At night, the city of Altea comes alive we open up our doors to the city. Our beautiful building, El Diseno is in the heart of the old city and is the perfect location to hold art shows and events. The Spanish, like most Europeans, are very culturally curious and much of their socializing taken place late into the night.a

We don’t approach the Spanish based on our ideas of faith, but confident in our beliefs, we reach out and accept theirs to bridge the gap with friendship. In my experience, the American church can be rather narrow in its views of evangelism: street witnessing…and that about sums it up. While this isn’t bad – it certainly isn’t God’s complete story on reaching humanity. As Edgies, we believe God embraces our individuality, abilities, gifts, strengths (even our weaknesses) and uses them to meet and eventually, reach others with the life changing story of God.

Beyond Faith

Faith. It is beyond words, beyond out experiences, beyond anything we imagined. This mysterious, ever-evolving tool of God is one of the pillars of the Edge experience. Dive in.


Photo credit: https://fungaineni.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/faith/

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