This week Edgie, Hadasa Gallor shares about the spiritual climate and blessings and mistakes gleaned from time in Spain.
In terms of spirituality in Spain, I think that in the spiritual environment has been hurt and manipulated in the past by a misguided, oppressive and imposing religious domain that still resonates in history books and conversation. Nowadays, the general teaching of tolerance, scientific evolution and philosophy help to develop “open-minded” citizens, and paradoxically, doesn’t bring much of the human spiritual reality into thought. Spirituality is not part of daily conversation, and if it becomes addressed, it creates an uncomfortable atmosphere; it is understood as a very intimate matter. Although it may not seem like it, Spaniards desire to be in contact to something “superior” and supernatural.
It has been a blessing for me to see Americans marvel at my culture and the closeness and warmth showed by the Spanish people they have encountered. I have also delighted in their intentional search for conversation and friendship in spite of the sometimes intimidating language barrier. Honesty and willingness is essential in reaching Spaniards.
A basic mistake due to cultural differences with no big repercussions has been tipping, which is basically non-existent in Spain. I also recommend to not feel intimidated by rough talk or words and loud voices.