Edgie Reflections; a word from Hadasa Gallor

EDGE Program, 2014

EDGE Program, 2014

This week Edgie, Hadasa Gallor shares about the spiritual climate and blessings and mistakes gleaned from time in Spain.

To grow up in a missionary christian background carries great privileges and experiences that I would not change even if I could go back in time, but it also means I am apart from my family and my loved ones are scattered around the world. Church planting is not easy, and it can be very lonely when you are a kid- one of the reasons I thank God I have a brother. That is why coming to Edge has been refreshing and renovating, and I can not explain how much I thank having worship constantly and making God the focus of our conversations.
The company of my brothers and sisters in Christ has made me grow, and I have been challenged to love in unexpected ways. Living through many different situations in such a short period of time is overwhelming, sometimes heart-breaking, and absolutely thrilling; watching God move in our diverse, close, warm, and human community is a blessing and a privilege. It is especially impacting for me to know that Edge continues, even when we separate and go back to our normal lives and the routine (which I am personally terrified of), the transformation continues in us.

In terms of spirituality in Spain, I think that in the spiritual environment has been hurt and manipulated in the past by a misguided, oppressive and imposing religious domain that still resonates in history books and conversation. Nowadays, the general teaching of tolerance, scientific evolution and philosophy help to develop “open-minded” citizens, and paradoxically, doesn’t bring much of the human spiritual reality into thought. Spirituality is not part of daily conversation, and if it becomes addressed, it creates an uncomfortable atmosphere; it is understood as a very intimate matter. Although it may not seem like it, Spaniards desire to be in contact to something “superior” and supernatural.

It has been a blessing for me to see Americans marvel at my culture and the closeness and warmth showed by the Spanish people they have encountered. I have also delighted in their intentional search for conversation and friendship in spite of the sometimes intimidating language barrier. Honesty and willingness is essential in reaching Spaniards.

A basic mistake due to cultural differences with no big repercussions has been tipping, which is basically non-existent in Spain. I also recommend to not feel intimidated by rough talk or words and loud voices.

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