Edge 2017 Musings

Edgies 2017 host their first Art Workshop at AlteaArte. A Flower Workshop with Megan leading us…. So fun!!

My feet have walked many kilometers, over many rocks, streets, stones, dirt paths, water ways, boats, airplanes, mountain tops, floated on many rivers, tip toed “on the edge”, stretched beyond many yoga mats, and danced to many moonlight senadas. I walk these paths in many countries, because I love ♡ My heartbeat for humanity is enormous and my family holds my heart. I realize how much I have given over the years and then I reflect on the feet of Christ. Here I feel a tenderness deep within that I am known and seen

Can I share my journey with you? I walk many roads in many countries, but each one has the same heartbeat of love, health, & healing. This path on the Paseo of Altea brings me silent moments of healing.

“Edgies” listen to the wonder of Gods Calling and the Blessedness of Brokenness…. I marvel at the faithfulness
of God each time I tell our story!

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